Author Archives: Nik

Back to the HoJo Motor

HoJo motorBack to the HoJo all magnet Motor. I’ve taken it apart, reconfigured the magnets from 19 to 18 and put it back together. It still doesn’t work, but it doesn’t work so much better. Before it wouldn’t go 3 magnets before it stopped itself. Now it spins 8 or 10 magnets, almost half of the 360 degrees. I do believe if I remove one more to 17 magnets I may get the full 360 degree action I’m looking for.

The problem with reducing the magnets is I’ve drilled so many holes in this thing now I’m going to have to build a whole new stator so I can drill the new configuration of 17.

Here you see it about half way reassembled.

4th Movie Producer

Yesterday Hollywood contacted me once again to make a movie out of Channeling Biker Bob. Since I already have the script written, I sent it to this 4th possible movie producer to read and see if they want to make a movie from my script or write their own. They said they would get back to me Jan 3rd. Keep your fingers crossed.