We spent a few more day in Yosemite then decided to go to Tahoe and visit Randy’s grandfather in Kings Beach.
After another overnight journey at forty-five miles an hour, we arrived at the lake with few remaining joynts and nine dollars between us.
Staying at his grandfathers trailer park we were able to remain in Tahoe for another three days before our money ran out.
On the last night, after deciding to return to the San Francisco Bay Area, I went into a gas station to take a leak and sitting on the back of the toilet, in contrasting black, stuffed full of money, sat a joyously fat leather wallet. Being a teenager with no scruples, I grabbed that billfold, sprinted back to the car and screamed for Randy to get us out of there.
After going through the wallet, we found a disappointing fifty dollars cash and a pile of credit cards.
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